CASE Executive Director Search Announcement


CASE is a non-profit institution founded in 1976 by a Special Act of the Connecticut General Assembly. Its mission is to provide expert guidance on science and technology to the people of Connecticut, and promote the application of science and technology to human welfare and economic well-being. CASE seeks to retain and expand its role of providing evidence-based information for the decision makers through research studies and projects funded by State. The Executive Director will work closely with the Academy’s Council to guide us through a challenging transition as the State’s leadership sets new directions, approaches and programs. Qualifications include experience in management and fundraising as well as experience working with the state government and the private sector. Attached documents provide additional information about CASE and the Executive Director position.

Individuals interested in this position should submit a Letter of Interest and Resume addressed to Laura Grabel, Chair, Search Committee, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, no later than May 1, 2019 via email to

CASE Non-Discrimination/Affirmative Action Resolution
The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering adopted as its policy to support the nondiscrimination agreements and warranties required under Connecticut General Statute § 4a-60(a)(1) and § 4a-60a(a)(1), as amended in State of Connecticut Public Act 07-245 and sections 9(a)(1) and 10(a)(1) of Public Act 07-142. The policy includes a commitment by CASE to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants with job-related qualifications are employed and that employees are treated when employed without regard to their race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sex, mental retardation, or physical disability, including, but not limited to, blindness, unless it is shown by such contractor that such disability prevents performance of the work involved. Further CASE agrees and warrants that it will not discriminate or permit discrimination against any person or group of persons on the grounds of sexual orientation, in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the state of Connecticut, and that employees are treated when employed without regard to their sexual orientation.

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