Christian Tschudi
Christian Tschudi
John Rodman Paul Professor of Epidemiology, Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health
Elected to the Academy in 2020


University of Basel (Switzerland), 1978, AB, Microbiology and 1982, PhD, Biochemistry

Professional Area

Demonstrated record of successful and productive research projects in the field of molecular parasitology; broad background in RNA biology, with in-depth expertise in the analysis of gene expression in trypanosomatid protozoa; expertise in next-generation sequencing approaches at the population and single-cell level; extensive experience in graduate student training and mentoring.


Internationally recognized expert on neglected tropical diseases with numerous seminal contributions to the understanding of gene expression in trypanosomatid protozoa, the mechanisms of pathogenesis and the identification of genes essential for survival in the host.