Michael Loewenberg
Michael Loewenberg
Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science
Elected to the Academy in 2022


Purdue University, 1982, BS, Chemical Engineering; California Institute of Technology, 1988, PhD, Chemical Engineering

Professional Area

Heat and mass transport in microstructured media; Low-Reynolds-number Fluid Mechanics; Hydrosols, aerosols, emulsions, and foams; Hydrosols and aerosols; Rheology; Drop breakup and coalescence; Thin films; Interfacial flows, surfactant effects; Thermocapillary phenomena; Intracellular and tissue-scale biotransport; Blood flow in the microcirculation; Poroelasticity; Microfluidics; Asymptotic methods; Numerical modeling; Boundary integral simulations


For work that solves long-standing puzzles and addresses critical knowledge gaps in the field of suspensions, emulsions, and foams through the development of predictive computational and mathematical models for the rheology and microstructural evolution by hydrodynamic interactions, drop breakup, particle aggregation and drop coalescence.