Kevin N. Sheth
Professor of Neurology & Neurosurgery; Executive Director of the NNCTU and Vice Chair for Clinical and Translational Research in the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery; Director, Yale Center for Brain and Mind Health; Division Chief, Neurocritical Care and Emergency Neurology, Yale School of Medicine
Elected to the Academy in 2024
Johns Hopkins University, 1999, BA, Neuroscience; University of Pennsylvania, 2003, MD
Professional Area(s)
Neurocritical care and vascular neurology; intensive care approaches to brain injury like stroke and brain hemorrhage; interdisciplinary research yielded groundbreaking approaches to treatment, to related technology and to phase III clinical trials
Internationally acclaimed investigator in brain health science; pioneered the first-in-human trials to mitigate brain swelling after a stroke and for secondary prevention of brain hemorrhage in survivors; led the scientific deployment of the world’s first portable MRI system for use in brain injury; holder of patents in real-time stroke detection and in stroke nanoparticle technology.