Joerg Bewersdorf
Joerg Bewersdorf
Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Cell Biology, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and Professor of Physics
Yale School of Medicine
Elected to the Academy in 2023


University of Freiburg (Germany), 1994, Vordiplom (Undergraduate Degree), Physics; University of Heidelberg (Germany), 1998, Diplom (Masters Degree), Physics; 2002, PhD, Physics

Professional Area

Microscopy and ultra-high resolution optical imaging; Applications of super-resolution light microscopy to biological research


Recognized worldwide for his contributions to the field of optical super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. Contributions in technological developments, ranging from optical hardware to sample preparation protocols and image analysis algorithms, have enabled many exciting new insights into the nanoscale organization of cells and tissues in the biomedical sciences.