Epapandi (Penny) Vlahos
Epapandi (Penny) Vlahos
Professor and Associate Head, Department of Marine Sciences
Elected to the Academy in 2022


University of Toronto, 1992, BAS/Eng, Chemical and Environmental Engineering and 1994, MAS/Eng, Chemical and Environmental Engineering; University of Massachusetts, 2001, PhD, Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sciences

Professional Area

Research involves environmental thermodynamics and transport of compounds both anthropogenic and naturally occurring across media including atmosphere-ocean exchange. Her research has also dealt with interdisciplinary approaches to address environmental quality and human health.


For pioneering work that has improved our understanding of coastal ocean chemistry and air-sea exchange of chemicals; the biogeochemistry of its major constituents, nutrients, and organic contaminants, and the role of large-scale climate interactions; and for fostering interdisciplinary approaches to understanding human impact on the environment.