Beiyan Zhou
Beiyan Zhou
Professor of Immunology
UConn Health
Elected to the Academy in 2023


Wuhan University, 1994, BS, Biochemistry; Peking University, 1999, MS, Molecular Biology; Northwestern University, 2004, PhD, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology

Professional Area

Small non-coding RNA regulation in hematopoietic stem cell-differentiation, immune cell development and cancerous transformation; cell-function guided computational immunology for disease-relevant gene selection and risk assessment modeling; innate immune cell function in chronic human diseases, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases


An internationally recognized scientist with seminal contribution to the understanding of immune cell functions in chronic cardiovascular diseases and cancers; contributions include the creation of cell-function-guided computational algorithms provides novel strategies for big data analysis to uncover critical gene functions contributing to chronic diseases.