Antonio Giraldez
Antonio Giraldez
Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Genetics; Chair, Genetics, Yale School of Medicine
Elected to the Academy in 2021


University Autonoma of Madrid, 1998, BS, Chemistry; European Molecular Biology Laboratory, (Germany), 2002, PhD, Developmental Biology.

Professional Area

Over the last two decades Dr. Giraldez has investigated the mechanism of gene regulation during embryonic development using genomic and computational approaches to understand the mechanism of embryonic morphogenesis, genome activation and post-transcriptional regulation. His areas of expertise include Developmental Biology, Genomics, Genetics and RNA biology.


For contributions to science that resulted in paradigm shifts in gene regulation including: how embryos activate their genome, novel pathways of maternal mRNA regulation through microRNAs, mechanisms by which microRNAs regulate their target mRNAs and how cells control mRNA stability through a novel regulatory layer of the genetic code.