Academy to Present Honorary Membership and Distinguished Service Award at Annual Event 2013

Rocky Hill, CT – The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) will present two special CASE Awards at its 38th Annual Meeting and Dinner at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT, May 22. The CASE Governing Council created the Distinguished Service Award in 2009 to honor members who have provided outstanding service to the Academy. In addition, CASE created the category of Honorary Membership to recognize an individual not otherwise eligible for membership. The Academy’s Council nominates, and selects by vote, the recipients of these honors.

Dr. Anthony J. (Tony) DeMaria, retired Chief Scientist of Coherent DEOS, will be honored with the Distinguished Service Award at this year’s Annual Meeting. DeMaria became a Charter Member of the Academy in 1976. He is known for his groundbreaking laser research for which he was awarded the 2004 recipient of the CT Medal of Technology. DeMaria was elected to the Academy’s governing council in 1992, served as the Academy’s fourth president from 1994 to 2000 and as past-president from 2000 to 2004. As president, DeMaria chaired the Strategic Planning Committee which developed the Academy’s first long range plan. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences.

Elliot Ginsberg, President and CEO of the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT), was elected to Honorary Membership in recognition of his accomplishments at CCAT, where he identifies and directs the formulation, implementation and execution of innovative economic development tools and programs promoting the region’s technological capabilities. Ginsberg joined CCAT in 2007 after a decade serving as chief of staff to U.S. Rep. John B. Larson. He is on the board of directors for several organizations and serves on the advisory boards for the NASA Space Grant Consortium, the CT Regional Institute for the 21st Century and the Defense Technology Initiative, to name a few. He holds a J.D. from UConn. For the last five years, CCAT has partnered with CASE to support the Academy’s H. Joseph Gerber Medals of Excellence.

Both DeMaria and Ginsberg will receive their honors at the 38th Annual Meeting and Dinner of the Academy this Wednesday, May 22 at Quinnipiac University


The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering was chartered by the General Assembly in 1976 to provide expert guidance on science and technology to the people and to the state of Connecticut, and to promote the application of science and technology to human welfare and economic well being. For more information about the Academy, please see

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