Technical Boards

In 1995, the Academy established ten Technical Boards (TBs), organized by public policy areas with technical content, into which the membership is divided. Patterned after those of the National Research Council, these TBs allow members to focus on technical issues of concern to state government and to others interested in public policy. The ten TBs and their charters are listed below.

Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition

Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition

The production, distribution, safety, and nutrition of food, including development of biotechnology to improve the quality of food and the environment.

Joseph Pignatello (Ret.), Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Biomedical Research and Health Care

Biomedical Research and Health Care

The delivery, quality and cost of medical care and related problems, including preventive health care and the development of biotechnology for improving human health.

Ron Adelman, Yale School of Medicine
Communication and Information Systems

Communication and Information Systems

All means of communicating voice, data, and other combinations of business and personal information, including the development of new hardware and software technologies, with special attention to complementarity and interchangability with transportation systems.

Yu Lei, UConn College of Engineering
Economic Development

Economic Development

Economic opportunities afforded by Connecticut's technological base and its human and natural resources, with a special role in assessing the potential economic impact of new technologies.

David Krohn, Light Wave Venture, LLC
Energy Production, Use, and Conservation

Energy Production, Use, and Conservation

The production, use, conservation and distribution of energy with special attention to meeting future demand and environmental quality standards.

Joel M. Rinebold, Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc.


The physics, chemistry, geology, biology, ecology and engineering of the environment as these relate to issues of economic development, energy use, transportation, public health and the quality and utilization of Connecticut's atmosphere, land, water and sea natural resources.

Education and Human Resources

Education and Human Resources

The effective utilization of people in ways that will contribute to human development and economic growth, including applications of technology to improve both basic and advanced skills to make people more employable, and with attention to the impact of urban growth and development.

Public Health

Public Health

The impacts on the public health of communicable diseases and of material and energy of man-made and natural origin in the environment.

Shuangge Steven Ma, Yale School of Public Health


The development and utilization of knowledge for the purpose of providing material goods and services, including the utilization of research results to design and manufacture materials and products, with particular attention to developing effective means for transferring technology from the academic to the industrial community and within the industrial community, and for the improvement of manufacturing technology.

Y. (John) F. Khalil, Collins Aerospace
Transportation Systems

Transportation Systems

The movement of people and material within and across Connecticut, including vehicles and infrastructure, with special attention to complementarity and interchangability with communication systems.

Kenneth Rosen, Aero-Science Technology Associates, LLC

Each TB is responsible for oversight of technical matters in its subject area and forms the resource for studies requested of the Academy on these matters. They also serve as a source of subjects for potential Academy-state cooperation, with emphasis given to opportunities and needs for innovation and technological development.